
LC-52839 medium, worry mood, strong african drums, back guitar, melodic piano, human atmo, Good for TV or movies and docus over africa. Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer for Film and TV can take … Weiter

0,50 In den Warenkorb
Am Weihnachtsbaum
Am Weihnachtsbaum

Song description: modern band      LC-52839 fast, positive mood, e-piano intro, bells lead, sax fills, trumpet solo, good for lucky christmas films with many gifts Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer for Film and TV … Weiter

0,99 In den Warenkorb
Fast forward
Fast forward

Song description: electronic art      LC-52839 fast, action mood, future synth, unique sound,fx atmo, fast piano solo, loop effect, Good for drive action, adventure action in TV or movies. Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer … Weiter

0,50 In den Warenkorb

Song description: jazz/trio      LC-52839 medium fast, positive mood, piano, bass, drums, piano solo good for all scenes in feel of trad. jazz Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer for Film and TV can take … Weiter

0,50 In den Warenkorb
Fröhliche Weihnacht
Fröhliche Weihnacht

Song description: modern band      LC-52839 fast, positive mood, e-piano in the lead, sax counter, modulation, synth lead, good for positive christmas scenes in all films Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer for Film and … Weiter

0,99 In den Warenkorb
Grandma on stage
Grandma on stage

Song description: small band      LC-52839 fast, positive mood, swing style, brass lead, piano bridge, sax fills, good for comedy or all lucky scenes Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer for Film and TV can … Weiter

0,50 In den Warenkorb
Hot Adventure
Hot Adventure

Song description: modern soundtrack      LC-52839 slow, dark mood, deep and low synth bass, piano, later guitar, swell strings, modern atmo, good for dark action in movies Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer for Film … Weiter

0,50 In den Warenkorb
Leise rieselt der Schnee
Leise rieselt der Schnee

Song description: small band, soul      LC-52839 slow, positive mood, e-piano intro, trumpet lead, strings, modulation, good for christmas dokus and films in tv and cinema Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer for Film and … Weiter

0,99 In den Warenkorb
No dark no fun
No dark no fun

Song description: modern soundtrack      LC-52839 slow, dark mood, synth loops, fx, piano solo, low bass, fx atmo, strings, good for art films with a modern touch Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer for Film … Weiter

0,50 In den Warenkorb
Oh du fröhliche
Oh du fröhliche

Song description: classical orchestra      LC-52839 slow, positive mood, pizz strings intro, stings lead, brass under, trumet solo, good for traditional christmas mood in all movies Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer for Film and … Weiter

0,99 In den Warenkorb
Süßer die Glocken
Süßer die Glocken

Song description: small band, soul      LC-52839   slow, positive mood, bells piano lead, sax solo and fill, trumpets, strings, very emotional song, good for winter and wonder films Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer … Weiter

0,99 In den Warenkorb