Alle 3 Ergebnisse werden angezeigt

Brava Ipanema
Song description: small band LC-52839 Fast, karibian mood, positive mood, percussion latin, marimbas, brass action, Good for southamerican and caribian docus and TV or movies. Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music Library Producer for Film and … Weiter

Miss have a party
Hear the song on spotify an ohter streamings: Song description: electronic art LC-52839 fast, positive mood, party mood, female vocals, latin percussion, latin piano, brass action, Here you can hear on spotify and all the others: Good for … Weiter

Reagge chill
Song description: electronic art LC-52839 medium, positive mood, fun moode, cool mood, walk bass, lead synth, electro atmo, Good for party and southamerican and caribian docus and TV or movies. Composer: Harald GründigArtist/Playing all Instruments: Harald Gründig In PAP Music … Weiter